I have two in college. One will be a senior this year and he is alreadyn planning on going for a Masters degree. Why? Not because he wants to but because he says there are no jobs so why graduate? In the meantime he racks up school loans and then what? His goal is to get an internship or something that will give him experience and connections but it still looks like a tough sell. Other DS will be a sophmore in pre-law so he has a lot of school and a lot of loans ahead of him and then he becomes another one of the millions of lawyers - hopefully not the unemployed kind.
My little ones are too young to have serious career plans but I can tell you that I share your worries Raddy. I have a Master's degree and I am unemployed. DH has more work than he can handle and he is....tada!...a mason. So here I am hoping that my HG DS9 finds stone work interesting so he can learn a trade to fall back on when his excellent intellect and schooling fail to secure his place in the world.
DD7 - My only DD and I would love to have her as a strong independent woman someday. Right now she wants to be a veterinarian....it does seem like there are job opportunities here but I know getting into a good school is tough. Plus she is only 7...LOL