I guess it what we define as education. there are plenty of kids in the UK who spend 7 years at High School and still come out not knowing much.
I worked with a chap in the City Of London (in a US bank as it happens) on an IT system. He was maybe 20 years younger than me with some high falootin' certificate (degree maybe? Advanced Level?) in maths. We got talking with another guy and we got onto the subject of Integral Calculus - which I studied for public exams at 15 - and the "high falooter" was completely lost.

twomoose - from this side of the pond we hear the recovery in the US is being called "the jobless recovery"? same here in the UK I think. Maybe like the UK many people in work are working less hours to keep their jobs?? I think the local economy is probably the future for skilled people.