Thanks ColinsMum

I am from a very poor blue collar background. I have 4 A Levels. I have a good degree. I have 30+ years in IT at all levels. I am as flexible as a contortionist. Yet here I am able to type a reply to you at 11.40 on a Monday morning from home.

Is a degree from any university worth the effort and expense - when the available 'good jobs' can be filled from maybe the top 10 (Cambridge, Oxford, Durham, LSE, Imperial.....)? And I still wonder since when did University become simply a means too a job - my old 6th form tutor must be spinning in his grave.

Do I think it will be easier or harder for little'un to make his way than it was for me? What do you think?

Absolutely I think education is very important - absolutely - but education for what? As I said initially are the kids being educated for a today's world - a world that is fast moving on and East. A friend, a good friend, who is now working well below ability in a Civil Service job said recently "school taught me everything apart from how to make a living". the people I see thriving are the plumbers, builders, mechanics. The brains work is now global - and can be accessed globally (like I am now - via t'internet)