I think the first prescription, the one the pharmacist wouldn't fill, was for Imitrex tablets. I was surprised that a pharmacist would question a neurologist. My husband talked to the pharmacist that time so I don't know exactly what the pharmacist said.

By the way, the very busy AFB pharmacy that we use because our medications are free there (husband is retired military) just gave my husband the wrong medication. Who knows what it is or what potential side effects it might have. The information on the bottle said it was one thing but it looked totally different from the medication in the second bottle which was supposed to be the same thing. My husband says he knows to always check his medication before taking it because this has happened before. This is just one more reason I am a little worried about using a prescription medication for my son. If it is over the counter stuff and my son accidentally takes magnesium instead of fish oil, no big deal. But if we are given the wrong prescription medication, who knows what could happen.

My son wants to know how we are supposed to just put things like this out of our minds and trust the people in the pharmacy and the doctors prescribing the medication. He has "white coat syndrome" and his blood pressure goes up just like mine does when we have to go to the doctor. I got put on blood pressure medication that makes me tired all the time because I couldn't convince my doctor that my blood pressure wasn't high like this all the time. My blood pressure wasn't high when I was pregnant with my son and I was an older mom when I had him. Going to doctors who couldn't give me answers and not being able to get therapy for my son for his low muscle tone caused a lot of anxiety. Not being able to figure out how to get help for my son and seeing him in pain caused my blood pressure to rise. Not sleeping doesn't help either.

Now I even wonder about the headache medicine my doctor prescribed for me when I was pregnant with my son. Was I really taking what they told me I was taking? I also wasn't told anything about possible problems with having labor induced with pitocin or having the epidural. The neuropsychologist and the neurologist both said it was possible my son's hypotonia and sensory processing and other difficulties were caused by the difficult birth--possible mild birth asphyxia, slight delay in getting him out because vacuum thing wouldn't work and they had to use forceps. I know this had nothing to do with the migraines and restless legs problem because that runs in my family but he should not have to deal with the back pain and leg pain and foot pain that he gets when he tries to keep up with other kids physically because he has mild hypotonia. He will be competing with his fellow acting group members in a dance routine as part of a local parade today. He will do it, which is amazing considering he was diagnosed with motor dyspraxia, and he will probably do it well just like he did all of his performances of Seussical the Musical but he will pay for it later with leg pain and back pain. He is willing to live with some pain in order to do what he loves doing. I will massage his legs and back if he hurts tonight, just like my mom would have done when I was a child. She never got mad at me if I woke her up because I was sick or hurting.

I thought my husband would be upset when I told him that I wasn't going to force our son to take the medication. He thought about the experience he had trying to get relief for his sinus headaches. Doctors prescribed medications that did nothing for him. Someone told him about Oregano Oil. He tried it. It works for him and there are no side effects.

My son woke me up last night again. He didn't yell my name so he didn't wake up his dad. I just heard him say Mom. He knows I have trouble sleeping too and thought I might still be awake at 2:00 a.m. I was. I went to his room and his back was hurting this time. He didn't ask for pain medication because he wants to save the Ibuprofin and Tylenol for worse pain, but the back massage helped him. He finally fell asleep about 3:00 a.m.

We are going to try Restful Legs tonight. I am so hoping that this will work. If we can just get better sleep then it will be easier for us to deal with pain and there will be less anxiety and our quality of life will be so much better.

Thanks again, everyone.