LOL - What have we heard the most from people "don't teach him too much - he will be bored in school".

You must learn to tune out that piece of advice. I "stopped" doing anything remotly educational with DS10 when he entered kindergarden, for that very reason. They the critics, from me, that I tried it, and he was bored in school anyway. I can pretty much guarentee that regular school isn't going to be an issue for your family.

I do agee with WG that it's the Pediatricians who are best situated to inform the parents about a child "asynchronous development." I'd love to see us reach out to them and be part of Pediatricition education. Not sure how to do it. In my experience, many pediatricians are themselves gifted and have gifted children, and are still in the place of "trying hard not to offend or out anybody." But it is a special need. A real need. And if thoses needs aren't met - - - watch out!


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