Welcome Lisa,
Pat yourself on the back!

here are some ideas:

Get the book "losing our minds: gifted children left behind" by Deborah Ruf. also read anything you can about unschooling, John Holt's idea about following the child's lead in exploring her world.

It sounds likely that homeschooling or private schooling is in your future. Anything you can do to help the parents prepare financially for that is a blessing. anything you can do to help Mom and Dad maintain their "couple" relationship is another blessing. As delightful as these children are, they require lots and lots of energy and attention. If it helps to think of her as "special needs," they go ahead and use that perspective.

Praise Effort and Persistience, not Ability. Try to head off well meaning strangers who want to gush about how bright she is - say "I love living with a child who is so very curious about everthing."

Mostly just enjoy. Write back if you have any specific questions - protecing her privacy, of course.


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