Melissa -

I also live in a rural area. We knew DS was gifted when he started reading (self taught) at 2.... but didn't see any need in testing. Then came kindergarten and a teacher who mentally abused him ( I hope inadvertantly) by treating him like he had a problem rather than like he had a gift and a need that needed addressing.

In retrospect, I wish we had tested early - and privately - at a younger age and been able to present the teachers with a satisfactory explanation of the various behaviors that they would see.

It would have been very nice to have avoided that horrid experience.

Honestly - test when you have reason to test and when the testing will matter. In your case - test before starting school if possible. Avoid the problems before they start if you can.

Teachers don't listen when you say 'my child is gifted' - but they do listen when you say 'here is a copy of the psych's report on DS'.

