I like the idea of Precocious for K-2 and gifted as seperate ideas. That way you can give the moderatly gifted early reader an appropriate education all the way through, and the gifted first grader who is sitting alone reading college level Math texts a different appropriate education. Note that those would be very different. In my mind "precocious" is good because it refers to skill development that is can be demonstrated to be above age expectations on a video tape. It refers to what is and how it is different from what is expected. "Gifted" in my mind, refers to a child who needs to learn differently from other same age children, using techniques such as compacted curriculum, telescoped cirriculum, idea-heavy curriculum, abstract learning style, visual spacial learning style, mentoring, concurrent enrollment, subject acceleration, full grade acceleration, differentiated social skill and character development, and partial program public school combined with partial homeschooling.

(LOL - I've learned a lot of words this year!)


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