Ahh...the waiting has begun. that is never fun. It is good that you already have some validation by the tester saying that he is 4th grade level. That will give you some ideas...but I am certain when you get the full results you will get a lot more that will help you figure out what his needs are.

We had DS5 (almsost 6) tested when he was almost 5. We didn't tell him it was "testing" just told him that someone was going to do different things with him to see how his brain works. Something like that. He was interested. We told him that there will be some puzzles and some questions. Some may be easy and some may be tricky but just to answer the best that he knows. He really enjoyed it...in fact just yesterday he asked if we could go back again and play with her (this testing was over a year ago and he still talks about it from time to time). We had always suspected that he was several years ahead...but of course even we second guessed ourselves during the whole testing process. He turned out to be a PG child. It was somewhat shocking at first, but the advice that they are still the same child regardless of testing results really meant a lot to me. We were suddenly very anxious about his future and what his needs were. We are SOOO thankful that we did testing though. This really helped us to get the right school services and also to figure out how his mind works and just how different he is. Without doing it the school would have thought we were yet another set of parents that think our kid is smart. Sad to say, but I see it happen all the time. Our testing allowed us to get a full grade skip for DS and subject acceleration (so he will be in second this next year) and things are going pretty well. Hang in there, hope that you get some good answers and learn more about him!