But what about me!?! I know that sounds funny. But can any of you share your nervousness or anxiety or maybe doubt before you had your child tested and then what you went through after? quote]

Some after experience - I requested some testing at school. I had no experience/knowledge of achievement or IQ. Before the final results were passed on to me, the School Psychologist said, casually in passing, my 2nd grader AT seems to be like an 8th grader and adult in some areas. No wonder he is bored at school. I got really scared, I knew he was smart but now what? How could she just say this to me without further explaining?

Well, what a journey I have been on figuring this all out. The school said they would help him and then they made it worse. The principal said things to me like it's ok if school is easy for him. Why am I working at this so hard? They know what to do.

I had read some gifted books prior to testing and skipped some sections that were for kids who have had tested. I thought that was not about my son, he never had testing. Then, when I got the AT results I found out about DYS and this forum. We are headed to a gifted school for next year.

There is lots of help here. Good luck.

Last edited by onthegomom; 05/29/10 07:13 PM.