Grinity, thanks again for the great input. crisc, thanks for tips, and I will definitely at least look up that Yahoo group, and I am sure we'll meet someday.

Twinkle Toes (I smile every time I type that), your daughter sounds courageous enough, if she's tackling things on her own. She's probably just a bit perfectionist as you say, which wouldn't be out of place for an intelligent child. I was worried that she was suffering from what my own mother did to me when I was a kid. She proudly told everyone I was brilliant, and it got to the point that I was afraid to try when I felt that there would be serious consequences of failure-- that is, if I failed at something large, the perception might be that I wasn't brilliant. Together with some other bad lessons (e.g. laziness, through being rewarded for doing things well last-minute) I had a lot to unlearn as I got older.

Last edited by Iucounu; 06/03/10 03:09 PM.

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