Originally Posted by Iucounu
but I see the problem not as my kid being with relatively less talented kids, but rather as not being with kids who are ready to play and learn at the same level. Even one or more grade-skips might not be ideal due to pacing and behavioral differences, but that's still an option that I want to explore. Thanks again.

Exactly! The truth is that many kids do not really need the fit to be custom-taylored, just in the ballpark - otherwise skips wouldn't work at all, and they seem to work well for many little gifties.

Sometimes schools act like 'we never do that' until they meet your child or see the IQ results, and then 'magic amnesia' they do. Perhaps your child could be a kindy on paper, but spend all his time except lunch and gym in various classrooms with subject accelerations to meet his 'readiness level' until he turns 6. A little creativity can go a long way once all the interested parties get on the same page.

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