Thank you for your input. It is so great to hear people's experiences and get insight. But it is still so tough to make the decisions for your child and wonder if it is the right one.

I was an overscheduled child, but never pushed. But I chose figure skating. And because it started out so easy, my discipline to push later on was hit and miss. I did not have good habits to push myself. It think for some kids these do have to be learned.

Though figure skating is a terrible sport. No pads, you force your young body to go as fast as it can and then jump. Before you land properly, you land on knees, head, bang into the boards at high speeds. I have known kids who broke ankles and didn't know until they took off their skates. Blisters and blisters breaking in new skates. And these are custom made skates.

Anyway, I digress.

I could get a piano teacher that had lower standards but that is kind of silly at this point. Why teach her to be sloppy? I do not make her practice hours. We decided against that. But she has enough that she has to practice about 45 minutes. And she gets Wed off because she has Mandarin and gets home late.

As mentioned, her gymnastics coach pushes her and she likes gymnastics. But she will have to decide between gymnastics and ballet in another year. If she gets into the NYC ballet school, she will probably choose ballet and then she will have to strive for perfection or she is out. But that will be her choice.

I do ask her to perform for her recitals. She won't play for anyone if I ask but last year, on a rainy day, her swimming coach said that she saw the piano in the playroom and started playing for her mates and they were amazed,and because they complimented her, she kept on playing. So these kids find their own motivation.

I did tell her that she has to decide what to pursue but there are choices I make. Like music, science programs, mandarin and a sport. But just like I make her take swimming (we live on the ocean in the summer) and tennis. I plan to start sailing with her. I don't expect her to sail around the world or even compete. But just know how to sail. I have found these things useful as an adult. When I came to NYC, I could go to tennis parties because I could play tennis. I could go on a sailing trip because I could sail. I met people that way. Better than going to bars.
