I noticed my boy could sight read a few words early on (cat, dog along with counting to 20 etc. So I got him a bunch of educational DVDs. "Your Baby Can Read" among them.

I would put them on and he would watch them sometimes, sometimes not. He never read a word off the show out loud or pointed at anything as instructed.I thought all of the videos seemed pretty goofy.

I'm also a big fan of the iphone (great for subway rides). One day I replaced the flash cards of animals etc. with the words straight off the video and showed them to him on a subway ride.
he knew them all (from "baby" to "hippopotamus".)

Turns out no matter how pathetic or goofy the dvd he gets something out of it. at 17 months I got him "Leapfrog Letter Factory" and he learn his phonic in a few days. Now he is 2 and five months spells many words and more important trys to sound words out.

Is he gifted or a bit smart I don't know for sure. I do know that he got a whole bunch of info and built on it from those silly dvds for sure.

They seem ridiculous and this is not what I expected.I'm glad I went ahead and got them for him.