I think most very young readers that are truly gifted in this area, have a 'hunger' for words, books, signs .... . We're not talking about learning from a video, but constant demand - pointing to print by the young one ... desiring to know the word and then using it next time they come across it. Somehow, and it's beyond me how, there is meaning to these squiggles - and a genuine 'need' being met, in our world of the written word. Of course this is not a basic need. I wonder how kids without access to print over the centuries applied their talent. There must be other purposes for this ability, but I don't know what.
This then moves on to the child who loves to decode, just as another loves to build puzzles ... there's a fascination. Basically books satisfy.
Again, there is the comprehension aspect. Single words and mundane sentences won't hold the gifted reader's attention for very long. In my experience reading becomes entwined with their personality, opinions can be expressed at a very young age and judgements made.
So there you have it folks, one Mom's take on this thorny subject.

Last edited by lulu; 05/13/10 04:36 AM.