CAMOM I am so with you on the difference between let and make. To me, if someone shows educational videos and the kids like it, isn't that better than watching Sponge Bob? If the mom is forcing them to watch it or using flashcards when they don't want to do it, that is a whole other matter. I can't force my kids to do anything they don't want to in terms of learning so it is hard for me to comprehend, but there are probably little ones out there who are more compliant and are just forced into learning. I can't imagine that is good for their creativity or self direction. We read books from the library that teach things about animals or science etc, and if my DD like it, she likes it. If a baby loves the Baby Can Read video and they aren't in front of it all day, big deal. Is the kid gifted???? I don't know. I suppose you would look for other signs that were not related to memorizing those words. If the child learns a word after seeing it once or twice they are probably gifted if he has seen the word a hundred times and finally gets it, it seems less likely (but that is at an older age and not in reference to a ten month old learning to recognize words).