Originally Posted by mnmom23
Originally Posted by Grinity
Yup - DS13 got a skip during 5th to 6th and it was a lifesaver. Now DS13 is in High School (9th grade) and I'm seriously looking for a way for him to do 9th grade again next year. He really needs that extra years worth of growth now that the grades here in the US are so 'high stakes' - not sure how I'll figure it out, but I have a few ideas. My poor DH can barely keep up!


So, are you saying that in hindsight you wish that you had found some other solution to the problems in 5th grade, other than acceleration?

I'm pretty sure that all of us could imagine 'better/other' solutions - I would have loved for my son to have the option of a school for PG kids so that he could be with children his own age and readiness level. Unfortunately, the nearest 'gifted' school was 1 hour from our home. Working full time I just didn't feel like I had it to give. I also wish the imaginary nearby school was affordable, and could have started in 1st grade.

I would also have loved to be able to homeschool, or have a local coop that 'got' gifted kids. I wish that I lived near family members who were willing to homeschool my son while I worked.

In hindsight, I wish I had had more of a sense of who I am as a gifted person when I was choosing career path and where to live so that my son wouldn't have been so much of an outlier in our local public school system. LOL@me! But then, I wouldn't be here!

I looked and looked for other solutions to my son's situation, and the acceleration was definitly the 'least worst' option at the time. I don't regret it for a moment. There was no other way given the resources we had.

Love and More Love,

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