As the parent of a child with a legitimately lower PSI than VCI or PRI, I think it's definitely too big a generalization to say what the psych said:
Originally Posted by CAMom
...PSI in gifted kids is simply a measure of how much they are affected by perfectionism.

I think perfectionism can lower PSI and should always be *considered* in the case of a high GAI/low PSI. But a blanket statement like this is dangerous. My child (and others discussed here regularly) are living proof that some kids really do process things more slowly and yet are still wicked smart.

I always worry (and speak up) when I see generalizations like this because I have seen my son suffer at the hands of people who equate fast and smart. These are not the same, even once perfectionism is taken into account. There really are people who need time to process, but who are still amazingly bright.

I agree completely that PSI can matter in school situations. Because of the common "fast = smart" bias, kids who are fast often do better in school situations. I would be more likely to recommend against grade skips for a kid with an average or below-average PSI because the child is more likely to have a hard time keeping up with the older kids, no matter how deeply and creatively the child can solve problems. Some other solution might be a better fit. In that regard, a high PSI can be a big help. Some classrooms can be very speed-oriented.
