More info on ny son- we had our first SP/OT assessement yesterday- very stressful!

He was average to above average from a cognitive point of view; no obvious issues..BUT- what I thought was baby talk seems to be a sort of lazy talking, using his tongue out a bit (so it can sound baby-ish)sometimes jargony..he did it for a lot of the assessment (no jargon), but can be corrected when asked. He does do it more when in a new place, with other people , etc..also sometimes to himself while playing...the Psychologist wasn't sure to make of it- possibly some stimming ? (although no obvious repetition of same things that I can hear). Has anyone ever heard this type of behaviour?

Now for the dreaded checklist questionnaires...

Also- to some comments on this topic- how does one assume a child is ignoring other kids because he is thinking above them,especially at 3.5 years, when he isn't being supradvanced overall and doesn't impress me with brilliant comments (other than, in my son's case, he reads well)?