It sounds to me like the strongest possibility is just "plain gifted" for your guy. My DS7 is 2E with mild Asperger's--basically just the social part for him. He has had his moments of repetitive behaviors (lining things up, counting, read every license plate and sign he saw from the time he was 2, etc.), but in general his is just a total lack of understanding of social skills.

He has always been a huggy child, though, with us and with teachers and adult friends. Eye contact is intermittent. Lying is practically an art form with him (arrgh). We have never been schedulers in our house, and he doesn't have an obsession with them. So there are lots of "spectrum" things that he does not fit, but a few that he does fit that make the difference.

Your guy sounds like he could possibly be on the mild end of Asperger's, but to me it seems more likely from your descriptions that he is "just gifted" and that would account for the differences that he has with kids his age. He is simply not on the same level as they are, and they don't interest each other. My DS has had a great deal of that to add to his troubles, and it can be frustrating for him and heartbreaking for me. But if yours is not having such trouble as to make him act badly to other children, I would not worry about diagnosing anything. He is what he is, and a diagnosis is not going to change that, regardless of which way it goes. However, if he has behavior problems, I would get a diagnosis because it can prove helpful in dealing with the schools to get what he needs and keep him out of "official trouble". If it weren't for our official ruling this year, DS7 would have been kicked out of school for his "bullying" that comes from all the frustration and misunderstanding of the social situations. As it is, the school bends over backward to work with him on his social skills and get him on the right track, and we couldn't ask for more.

I have no idea if all this rambling has made any sense and I'm too tired to go back and see, so I hope that helps you. Your little guy sounds great and gifted and you'll fit right in here. :-)