Originally Posted by matmum
Do you think that these things have a tendency to rub the wrong with a lot of people, not only because of the hard yards gifted parents go through but also the fact that often the way things are said and approached by these parents you wouldn't consider saying or doing yourselves?

Maybe you're on to someting here in regards to talking with other people about their "bright" kids. I would never dream about bringing up how smart my kids are and how they make straight As and how they're just beyond their class's academic work (or whatever), and so it suprises me how many people with average to brighter than average kids do so and do so to me. Again, do they think I can commiserate or are they playing a game of one-upsmanship? Mostly I think it's the latter because these are the types of people who brag freely in general. IME, it's the parents that whisper to me about their kids needing more in school that are going through a similar situation to ours.

I think I've decided that when I get into conversations with these types of parents that I'm going to tell them that there is a process in our district for acceleration but that it requires their child to be tested extensively for both achievement and aptitude, that a lot of other issues factor in as well, and that if their child is accelerated, they should be prepared to have the other parents talk about them behind their back. wink

She thought she could, so she did.