Hi everyone. My DD8 was in 2nd grade last year but started almost half-way through the year going to third grade in the morning and then back to 2nd in the afternoon. For this year, she was just placed in 4th full-time. It's been working out really well for her. The academics are mostly new to her if not challenging, she has some great friends, and she's really come out of her shell.

Well, today she had a friend over who is amongst her friends who are in third grade (her old classmates) and this girl's mom was saying that several of the girls and their moms are "jealous" about DD having skipped a grade. I'm not sure if jealous was the best choice of words, but in any case, apparently there is some degree of discomfort about my DD and her academic situation. We live in a small town and so there is a bit of the everyone knows everyone and everyone gossips type of thing. And while I've had a few parents ask me about the situation (and about DS6 skipping K), which is always uncomfortable, no one has ever really questioned the appropriateness of it. (I should note here that DD is not one who is obviously years-ahead-of average. Although she is obviously very smart, she tends to keep her abilities and knowledge to herself in social situations, preferring to blend in. So, the fact that she is years-above-average may not be known to the kids and their parents.) One parent did ask if she's no longer bored, to which I replied that it wasn't really that she was bored but that she just needed something different. I try hard in these situations to downplay it with a quick statement of "it just needed to be done." I'm a fairly shy person and don't like to make waves so I kinda hate it that we're the subject of talk around town and that DD is the object of some resentment, particularly since no one has ever said anything to our face. BTW: We try hard to make sure she regularly gets together with kids from both grades, and DD is very well liked (or so everyone says) by everyone. Also, no one has ever reported hearing my DD brag about being in a different grade, and in fact she hates to have to explain it to people so she doesn't bring it up. But still, it's not something she can hide from those who go to school with her.

Anyway, I guess I'm just venting, but has anyone else ever faced being talked about behind your back for the schooling decisions you've made? How do you deal with it? Do you just ignore it? Should I talk to DD and let her know that some people are uncomfortable about the situation, or should I just let her remain oblivious as she is now?

Last edited by mnmom23; 02/27/10 02:47 PM.

She thought she could, so she did.