Originally Posted by zhian
The decontextualist thing is about making cognitive and intuitive leaps, which is very common in gifted individuals. My most dreaded words in school (after "review") were "show your work" - because it took more effort to figure out how I got to an answer than it did to come up with the answer in the first place.

Yeah, how can I show my work if it wasn't ANY WORK???

Sorry.....just had to get that one out.

When asked to show his work on math stuff, ds9 will make a bunch of arrows pointing from the problem to the answer, like, 'you see the problem, here is the answer, right??' Sometimes he does show work, but sometimes it's just the arrows, or a re-write of the equation from a word problem, and then arrows.

Last edited by chris1234; 02/17/10 03:44 AM.