I know that the connection seems intuitivly appealing, but look at the very way the question is posed. It's so general.

Do I believe a child should be held back from learning algebra because they can't beat the time on a worksheet of simple multiplication fact? NO.

Do I believe a child should continue to drill, after they have demonstrated mastery, because the other children still need drill? No.

Do I believe that the weight of experience shows that many gifted children can learn Math much faster than most people imagined? Yes.

I believe that each child should be taught at their readiness, AND that memory readiness for math facts shouldn't limit math concept readiness for math ideas.

But that isn't the same as saying that controlled studies have been done.

Why do I make a big deal over it?

Because there are times when a child will need lots and lots of drill. Music, Language, Handwriting, and Math Facts should continue to be engaged with at the child's readiness level, even when the child is soaring ahead with the conceptual. I want our children, each of whom is an individual, with individual learning needs to be seen, noticed, and thought about as an individual learner.

An Example:
My DS loves to learn musical instruments, and it's clear that he progresses much much faster than other kids his age, or really, any age. I even say that 15 minutes of DS practice is equal to 30 minutes of regular practice. But there does come a point where he really really just has to sit down and practice. He sometimes gets in trouble during performances from underpreperation - I've seen it happen.


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