Thanks again for all the responses--lots of insight here! I'm so glad I decided to post--most people just shrug it off as no big deal, he'll be fine or why rush, let him be a kid. But it seems to be a bit more than that. So I appreciate all of your perspectives!

Val, thanks for the long post--definitely will have to write down a list while I'm talk to to her (Superintendent) so I don't forget. But,
Are you sure that the question I quoted at the top of this message is the right one to be asking? You may wish to consider how best to meet your son's overall educational needs, rather than just thinking of getting him into K now instead of next year.

I think that by asking that question, that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to look at things from all angles and then decide what's best for him now and in the long run.

In his preschool the classes are grouped according to cut off dates in your district. BUT, since they know I'm thinking about sending him to kindergarten next year, they suggested switching him to the older (4-5yr old class). This class is the one that would be going to kindergarten next year. He tried it out for a while slowly for about a week, and now just this past week was the first we he officially transitioned into that class. He loves it! The teachers say it's probably a better fit--the kids are older and intellectually a closer gap. BUT, they also say you can tell there's an issue of maturity--he's still a wiggly, goofy four yr. old. Also, his fine motor skills are a bit weak and can't quite do little things like button his jeans etc. We're wondering if this will not be an issue by the time Sept. rolls around in 8mos from now. If it's a match socially, a better fit academically, then we just have to wait and see maturity/emotionally where he's at. We are just hoping that the district give us a choice, if not then that's why we were considering private kindergarten.

it's going to be awfully hard to pull your son out after kindergarten and settle for public school

Good point!

we did check out a Montessori school--wasn't a great fit. The director actually told us "I would hate to see the public school system squelch your son's enthusiasm, and would love to take him, BUT he's a bit of a live-wire and you know, we run a certain kind of program here and can't have disruptions." I'm sure there are different programs, but this one didn't seem right for him. (he got excited to see a map on the wall and ran up to look at it and was trying to show us where we live etc. Then he saw a globe and asked if he could see it, the girl responded "no" and he got really upset. I guess it was pretty disruptive etc.) Oh well!