hey bbq797,
yes ours is 12/31.. i have a friend in KP and he is Dec 6 and i was shocked that the cutoffs were different. Good luck with the superintendant. We had a good meeting with our principal last week. If anything we feel now we will get a good teacher for first.
about my dds age- we thought with a June birthday she'd be right in the middle of the class. She is actually one of the 4 youngest. There are three kids who "belong" in first. Then a bunch of winter birthdays, and two very young kids with Dec. birthdays. Even the really young ones seem to be doing fine, though, so don't see it really as a problem. I think the curriculum is fine for most older four year olds - its not that challenging. Also, if you're interested in Montessori let me know as the school i know of is pretty close to you and a real bargain. My son attended it for preschool but i know montessori is not for everyone.
