Hi all,

I'm new to this forum--finally a place where I might be able to get some feedback!

Here's the situation: I live on Long Island NY, the cut off date for my district is 12/1 and my son's bday is 12/13. We're considering trying to get him enrolled in early entrance to kindergarten for this Sept. Otherwise, he'd half to wait until next year.

We did have him tested and sure enough his IQ score is 152; he can read, do math etc. (same as most of your kids!)

So far, I've spoken to everyone (elementary principal, school board president etc.) in the district and have been told it's not likely to happen. I am currently waiting for a call back from the superintendent (will call again on Monday).

If he is not allowed early entrance, the only alternative is a private school that costs over $12,000 (not too many choices for him around here), or we wait until the following Sept.

I hear both sides that if he waits 2 more years, he'll be fine (he'll be the oldest, more mature, more time to develop etc.); the principal assured me that they would differentiate instruction etc. She even said that if we have to wait, to call her when we're ready, remind her of our conversation and she would find the most appropriate teacher/class for him.

We're just worried that he might be really bored (only half day as of now) if he waits. But he will also be the youngest, not as mature (maybe) if we send him early.

So, I guess my question is--should we wait? Maybe everyone is right, that he'll be fine. Or will it be a disaster (boredom etc.)

Is it worth spending over $12,000 (which we don't have) to send him early to kindergarten? (he would go in Sept., and then 1st grade next yr.)

Would appreciate any feedback at all!