Originally Posted by bbq797
You mentioned that your daughter is younger than her classmates--is that an issue? Is it an issue for anyone else? That was one of our concerns about sending him early--that he would be the youngest instead of the oldest.

This is one of the things that I thought long and hard about, her not being with her agemates, even when I had her IQ testing done the tester said I should consider another grade skip in a year or two (yikes)

I would keep thinking about my best friend who I met in high school and is 2 years younger than myself and who I would consider PG, she should have graduated early,and gone to college, there was nothing the teachers could teach her high school and it was a waste of time for her to be there. She would go to school once a week (maybe) do a test in her classes and get all A's on her report card (she did eventually get in trouble for doing this). She would also get into a lot of other trouble because she was very, very bored (she's now a successful VP at a large company smile )

Honestly I think it's something you have to look at each year because his needs may change. Also what works for one child may not work for another. My DD is tall for her age and very, very social so it works for her. I do feel she still needs more academically and we will make changes as she needs them.

That being said, DD has adjusted nicely with her class, age has not been an issue with her or her classmates. Even later on I don't think (hope) that this will be an issue, the way DD carries herself is mature (don't get me wrong she can be goofy too) but unless asked her age I don't think classmates will know she is younger. Hope that helps smile