I appreciate your "dissenting voice" Roni! I am currently struggle with the same situation (wrote a post elsewhere on the forum). What you're saying is exactly what we're concerned about. We have a 4yr. old son who we are considering starting early (if we're even able to) in Sept., but are concerned about all the things you mentioned. Except that in his case he is big for his age, so I guess that would be in his favor. But everything else (coordination, maturity etc.) he is just a four yr. old boy; we're wondering how much this will change in the next 8 months. He also only misses the cut-off by 12 days. I'm curious how you feel about the need for intellectual stimulation. What if you're parents didn't send you ahead? We're concerned that if we don't meet his needs intellectually, that could lead to other issues...boredom, behavior problems etc.