I agree 100% with gratified3. However, that's when there's no one here but us chickens...

I don't think that it's necessarily a bad strategy with the school to say something like what WannaBeGTEduc is suggesting here, especially if the school is playing the "not socially ready" card about behaviors that a skip might fix. I think we have to use the tools we have at hand to get our kids the school fit they need. If the school is trying to fight the social fight, then turning it back on them could be a smart strategy.

Side note: I think the social thing often has a lot to do with how "pop-culture-y" the HG+ child's interests are, especially in elementary school. The kid who is into the latest video game characters and Lego sets (or whatever) is probably going to have an easier time making friends than the kid whose passion is nuclear physics, especially if the Lego lover's personality is extroverted to begin with.
