DS5 started private kindergarten this year at 4 1/2. He missed the public school cut off by nearly 5 months, so they thought I was crazy (literally laughed at me) when I asked about early enrollment. The public school counselor fed me a bunch of nonsense about socialization and suggested that if I enrolled DS early he would wind up depressed in junior high!

Fortunately, we live near a small private school for gifted kids with a cut off at the end of the year, so I was able to simply walk away from the public school without having to get into it with them. It's just as well, because the private school has been a wonderful success, and I can't imagine DS spending this year anywhere else.

At this point, having DS in kindergarten is so normal to us (and so clearly right for him) that it's easy to forget this was an "early" enrollment by public school standards. But then every once in a while DS will get together with his friends from preschool (who are all still in preschool) and we're reminded how different our situation is. One family has been weird about it, but for the most part, it's been an amazingly easy transition.

Hopefully, if you can just make it through all the red tape and, like Dottie said, smile politely when the school administration tries to tell you you're a bad parent, you'll eventually get to the place where your son's enrollment will seem so normal to all involved that you and the school will both forget it was ever a big deal.