I appreciate the great replies and suggestions, thank you!

I'm going to take time to read them again more thoroughly, but for now:

Yes, my son is in public school.

What is ARC? I'll try googling, but I suspect I'll come up with many responses, so I thought I'd ask for a more specific description of what this is.

Also, are there any alternative ideas to a camera phone for the blackboard copying? My son doesn't have a cell phone, and we're reluctant to get him one for many reasons (not the least of which is his penchant for losing expensive items--like musical instruments). crazy

I should explain that my son's special needs are nearly as new to us as his GT qualification is (both of these developments just came around--or I should say were just identified--within the past couple of years), so we're desperately trying to get our bearings and scramble for information so that we can advocate for him. It's really overwhelming, as I'm sure you all know.

It's great to finally have some actual names for the problems he's struggled with from an early age. I have had to push and push and push just to get him tested. Now it feels like we're beating out heads against a brick wall to make sure these test results aren't ignored.

We're trying to look into some alternative/charter schools (I'm driving 2 1/2 hours away tomorrow to check out a new one that serves 2e kids) to see if it's feasible for us to relocate and get him the help he needs, but for now, we have to figure out what can be done in his current public school setting.

I think your advice of leaving him in the GT program and taking things one step at a time is great. We'll see what we can accomplish with accommodations and start looking into some helpful technology for him.

Age-Gap parenting a 2e 12-year-old and an 8-month-old