Originally Posted by phroggy
The problem comes in when it comes time to actually complete/turn in the work. It's pretty advanced (7th grade math, etc), so it is difficult, but a lot of the problem is that he hates writing, doesn't show his work, doesn't organize it well, doesn't remember to turn it in, etc, etc, etc.

He is going to have to play by the big boy's rules if he wants to play with the big boys. In real life, and certainly when he gets to AP classes in HS and beyond, he will have to do his work and turn it in, and thus develop good study and work habits. I think the large part of the issue is that he has been able to skate and now he has to actually work hard. He either buckles down now and takes the pain now or it gets much much harder later.

Because he has a memory issue, writing things down and following a procedure is much more critical for him than others. If he writes stuff down, if he phases out, he can then go back and follow his work.

Writing was a huge issue for me when I moved from 7th to 10th and one teacher in particular just rode me like a borrowed mule. It took FOUR months of daily work an hour a day to make her happy.

The other 2-E issues, perhaps others can answer.

Last edited by Austin; 02/05/10 10:38 AM.