Originally Posted by phroggy
He can copy what's on the board, but it takes him so long that the teacher has come in and started class and is rapidly moving forward, so the information on the board (about homework or whatever) has been abandoned as he tries to keep up with the class work.
Cell phone with camera
Also - figure out a system of other kids who you can call their mom's and find out from them what the homework is. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and social skill and help smooth over a lot of bumps.


Look, you have tons of issues to deal with here, so make a list and pick one or two to work on for now.

Leave him in the GT classes for now. maybe they will let him repeat the year or maybe by the end of they year he will have a growth spurt. If they will let you, let him. Grades don't count until 9th grade, that's 18 months or more (if you wiggle it right) away - you'll get there!


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