Originally Posted by Tammiane
DD7 started K at a school in CA and she was in class with my BF's dd. The teacher at her K didn't recognize dd's GT-ness, even though I tried telling her that she was reading nearly a year before K even started. At report time, dd got marked "at grade level" for just about everything, including reading. (???) So...1/2 way through K we move to NV. Within 2 weeks the school had dd run through a battery of tests since it was obvious that she was way ahead. She tested out at 2nd grade level across the board. When I told my friend this news her response was: "Wow...they must have lower standards there"

It floored me.

I think that other parents say these things because they interpret *your* child being so far ahead as meaning that *their* child must be behind. It seems to be sort of a defensive reflex in my experience.