This brings me to a question about Rite (15). I had the schools tested given that when he was lttle he had a lot of the same difficulties (though not as severe) Mite had and that both Mite and I had recently found out we had dyspraxia and ADHD...etc.

We have found out that he does have very similar WISC discrepancies and has dyspraxia and ADHD, too.

So now what? He's a fantastic student now, but he's in age grouped grade level with advancement in math and in honors cluster. Frankly, his straight As don't impress me because he's not working hard at it. I'm glad he has As, but I wish he were being challenged. ALL of his teachers recognize his giftedness, too. When I spoke to them at conferences they couldn't say enough positive about him. I wonder if they would say that in front of their peers or bosses?

Anyhow, do we push for special ed? The one place it does seem to effect him is in standardized tests where he lands in 99th percentile on verbals and within mean for analytical. Clearly it is giong to effect his performance on the ACT or SAT if there aren't accomodations. He says he hates timed tests. He's actually skipped math levels in school and his math teachers marvel at him, but it just doesn't show on the tests.

What to do?

Willa Gayle