Originally Posted by MonetFan
I don't know if I am overreacting and if I should just take a wait and see approach. I don't want him to become disruptive or, worse yet, discover that he can slide by with little to no effort and still get good grades. I took that route and even though I graduated with honors from HS, college and grad school, I was a horrible student who never learned how to study and push myself. I worry that he will get to that point as well.

Welcome MonetFan,
So glad you could join us!
This part above really opened my eyes. Question is - how far are you willing to go so that DS doesn't follow in your footsteps? Of course you are going to have to step outside your comfort zone and test, advocate, skip, change schools or all of the above if you don't want history to repeat itself.

My DH and I were so sure that if we just treated DS like he was ND (Normally Developing) he would be ND. It took until about 2nd grade for us to 'wake up and smell the coffee.' Lucky for us, our DS was one of those 'acting out kids' so when he wasn't getting his needs met, everyone knew that at least something was up.

Love and More Love,

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