I really think this is one of those situations where mother's instinct or gut feelings comes into play. Is this more of just a few bad days or is it a pattern that is possibly getting worse? If it is more in line with a pattern than I would definitely seek counseling. And pat yourself on the back for considering it and not hiding hoping it will go away. There is nothing wrong with seeking help and my BF wishes she had picked up on the signs when her DD was a lot younger. Her DD is now 15 and going through some really hard times. She has been hospitalized once and on many medications and it is so sad to watch because she has such potential but she gets anxious which turns into depression. If she had the tools in place at an earlier age she might have better ways to cope with it.

And by no means am I making comparisons of my BF's DD with your son ... apples to oranges. But if your gut is telling you something is off, definitely seek help.