It sounds like anxiety. "He wants someone with him at all times if possible." Throwing the tantrums accomplishes this attention in a strange sort of way.

Fortunately, if it is anxiety a predictable routine, not necessarily a schedule, can be help some. Do you have him using a calendar?

Some people can get better with counseling, some with a holistic approach, and some need medication.

We thought counseling/support for the parent was helpful. I didn't find it particularly helpful to the child; even though my child is impressively verbal, and it was considered an appropriate intervention given the circumstances despite the young age, overall it didn't help.

The child sometimes had the counselor hoodwinked with exaggeration of anything they wanted to hear more about in regards to feelings. I hate to say that they were experienced with gifted, (but I'm not so sure about the PG). In the long run it was not a good use of our resources. (But I'm sure there are parents out there found it useful or found the perfect counselor for their child.) We ended up using a few interventions, eventually trying a different route with nutritional supplements; programs that involve computer training; everyday exercise; self help books, and so on. The effect was quicker and more palpable.

Last edited by eamsnova; 11/12/09 08:36 AM. Reason: typo