
I think many of us are in this same boat. Everytime we attempt to chart our course and set sail, for what we think will be a educational voyage, our DD 4.5yrs up and out-grows our plan.

We found early on at age 3.5 that she was hiding her ability. Her preschool teacher had no clue that she could read Level 2 I can read books, and thought she only knew her letters. DD would spend her entire day painting, playing and generally just hanging out and having fun (this is what preschool should be). We had no problem with this, until our DD started having in depth discussions with us at home about adding and subtracting fractions and yet in class they were learning their numbers. We asked her if her teacher knew she already knew her numbers, and she replied, "No, she really loves teaching kids" WOW - my DD knew how much her teacher loved her job, and wanted to let her do it, rather than speak up and say "I already know this".

We scheduled a Parent Teacher Conference the next day. We brought samples of the math, art and reading that she was doing at home to show what she could do. The teacher talked to the administrator the next day, and within 2 weeks our DD was transitioned into the K class at 3.9yrs.

Now, we did have to sell this to the K teacher, who rightfully so was a little concerned about having a 3yr old in her class, however, after 4 days, DD showed that she was an focused, repectful learner (even if she already knew the K material too) and was a great fit in the class. (well quite a bit shorter than the rest of the kids, but socially fit fine)

At 4.2 the K teacher called us for a conference and told us that she knew that our DD had past all the standards for K and probably first grade, however, was almost rufusing to do anything in class and that she had again reverted to "just playing" and doing "practical life jobs". (which again was fine, since her physical development was still that of a 4 year old). Again, we spoke to DD, and asked her why she is spending all her time at those jobs, and didn't she want to do more academic jobs? And again, the responce was that she knew her teachers loved teaching, and she did not want to hurt their feelings. Plus the oldest girl in the class (someone DD looked up to) could only read to set 6 book 3 of the phonics readers, so DD did not want to make that little girl feel bad,since that little girl "feels so good about being the best reader in the class" as my DD put it, that she couldn't bear to hurt her feelings either.

So......bottom line, we now use a private school/distance learning/homeschool for her education ensuring that she can learn at her own pace which is fast without hurting anyone. LOL And she still attends her other school 2 days a week in the 1st-3rd class, and fits right in with the kids. She actually has taken on a more of a nurturing role and helps the other students. Which in and of itself would not be how I want her entire educational year to go, but this works, since I know she is learning it at home and solidifying it by helping others. I also think being around the older kids has forced her to step up and "show off" her abilities (almost proving to them why she belongs there).

Like I said at the start, each time we think we have it planned...bam...she up and outgrows it. We have now just decided that we are making plans for today and today only, and that we make them with full knowledge that when she changes, we will change our plan.

Gifted kids sure can surprise us with how much the know and feel!

:-) So glad this board is here!