I mentioned, re-visiting the psychologist for some ideas (and a re-test of certain achievement aspects such as reading, maths etc)
Hi Tizz - we did this, and I wish we hadn't. She brushed off the 30 point discrepancy between her testing and the school's GO's with "I can't explain it", but then proceeded to advise that "he seems happy", "of course" we'll have to go with the new test, and acceleration obviously isn't appropriate any more. It turned out that DS7's teacher had spoken with the psych the week before, and what the psych had to say seemed to be a recording of what the teacher has always said. She did a little achievement testing too, and advised that he's only reading a few months above his age. Well since even the school knows his maths and reading are two + years above grade level, we couldn't see any credibility in the advice.

I don't like to sound like a wet blanket, but it may be less than useful to go back to that particular psych. The result has made our advocacy even more difficult than it already was.