Grinity - Wow - you have the ability to cut right through to the essential issues - amazing! THank you so much for your wonderful insight - that makes a lot of sense. She has spent the whole year being the "tolerant, good girl" who so wants to fit in, and it would seem she has simply "exploded" and can't hold it in anymore. I know I made the wrong choice in not skipping her - and others in my life are going to say "I told you so" as they surely did - now I have to fix it. I have to say, it wasn't even so much the teacher's words as the manner in which she said it (in front of others as well) - like she took my DD words (a 5 year old child no matter how GT) as a personal affront to her (as if another adult had said that to her). When I mentioned, re-visiting the psychologist for some ideas (and a re-test of certain achievement aspects such as reading, maths etc) she said "I'd like to speak to THIS psychologist" in a disdainful way, so I knew she was doubting it all and just was not 'on-board' with DD at all. AS I walked away, I had the feeling that my daughter had to be away from that class - that the damage was just rapidly accumulating being with this teacher (who my DD loved at the outset of the year). You have confirmed those feelings. You are right I do not like to hassle and DD is obviously now screaming out for help. It is such a shame though as she has met a highly artistic little girl (who appears really bright) and has become quite friendly with her. Whether that is a true friendship or her trying to find a friend in the classroom, I'm not completely sure. Thanks Grinity and everyone else for your wonderful comments and support. I can't say enough good things about this forum - and so refreshing to be able to talk about these things with others who can provide such a high level of insight and lucid comments - when I am feeling so stressed that I can no longer think straight.