Well, it's been one week, and I think all is well. DS has shown some resistance to going to school ("I don't want to go," "Why do I have to go to school"), but I think that's normal for a child who doesn't like change. We haven't had any claims of extreme dislike, as we did with the previous school. When pressed if there's anything he doesn't like about the school, on Monday, he said, "there's nothing I don't like." Wednesday, I asked him what the best part of his day was, and he said "snack." When I asked him what the worst part of his day was, he said, "there is no worst part." Thursday morning he said he didn't like having to do things "gently," but that is his worst complaint so far. The teachers say that he is speaking with all of the children there, and so far, the environment is very nurturing. Time will tell if this is the "right" place, but so far, we are so happy! Thank you all for your insight!