We use the "You have to try one bite" rule. I also don't buy non whole wheat bread or tortillas or white rice. If it's not in the house... I've done the plain yogurt thing (even make my own every so often) but Costco has such a good deal on light small cup flavored yogurts...

The boys get to have a piece of candy every day just because no food is bad food if it is eaten in moderation. They only get one glass of juice (we mix ours with extra water) and two glasses of milk a day. Besides that it is water and an occasional soda as a treat when we are out.

And then there is Bear... He does OK with most of this and eats whatever is on OUR plates (just not his). The big issue I have is that his tantrums are linked to his hunger and tiredness level. He tends to not eat unless it is after he is exhausted from having a tantrum. His food will be on the table and I KNOW he's hungry, but no luck. I don't force him, but does any one have any ideas how to fend off the hunger tantrums?

Last edited by Wyldkat; 09/03/09 09:31 PM.