The Stonyfield yogurts are really good, DDs dr. recommended them specifically for her digestive problems.

I am really passionate about healthy eating, but I know that it can be taken too far also. I know kids who only eat healthy things and then go to a friend's house and go overboard on candy and junk food. We have mainly healthy options for snacks: fruits, veggies, string cheese, whole wheat crackers, yogurt etc. Milk is the only drink with meals, but juice and water are available after. During the week, I make steelcut oats in the crockpot overnight for oatmeal, but on the weekends, we have cereal and other foods available. While I want to have healthy foods to make good choices, I don't want my kids to develop an eating disorder either. So there are sweet snacks in the pantry and ice cream in the freezer almost always. Funny though, they don't ask for the all the time. If they don't care for what's for dinner, I ask them to try it and then they can make a sandwich. Hopefully by the time they go to college, they've learned to make good choices at home:)
