So the problem is that they eat too much of the rice/bread/pasta, and not much else? My thoughts are these:

First, whole grains are a great source of protein, so I wouldn't worry about protein if they're filling up on a variety of whole grains (and beans or nuts wouldn't hurt either). And there is also a lot of protein in milk and other dairy products. (Can you tell we are vegetarians? blush)

Second, yogurt is great...but if you're talking about the individually-packaged, single-serve kind, the vast majority of them have a heck of a lot of refined sugar. They're sort of desserty, actually. We buy them sometimes for treats, but we don't have them (or anything with refined sugar) as a regular part of our diet. Sugar can be very addictive. Have you tried directing the kids toward fruit, nuts, carrots, or beans? My DD will go for that stuff any day of the week, and it's all good no matter how much she eats.

The bottom line is that you shouldn't buy things you don't want them to eat. And you should try to make sure that they have alternatives that they will enjoy that will still be healthy if they don't like what you prepare for a meal.

I'm not sure if that's the sort of advice you are looking for, now that I think about it. You did post this here after all, not on a nutrition board. I guess I would just add that I make what I make for supper, and I present it to DD. If she doesn't want it, she is responsible for finding something easy & quick that she would prefer. And in most cases, she is responsible for getting it for herself. In other words, I treat her just like I treat my DH when he doesn't like what I've made. DD doesn't always eat the same foods we do, but she nonetheless has a very healthy, balanced diet. smile