LOL, these are great stories.
I remember having conversations with my Mom as a young child about things that happened when I was a baby. She didn't believe me. The clearest I have is I was about 4 months old (By Family Lore) and we had gone to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls. I remember riding in a whale stroller and lots and lots of pretty colored lights and really loud noise. Funny thing was, a few years ago, DH and I went to the same place. It was a real strange feeling to sit down and look up and see almost the same image that I've remembered all my life. The only difference was that the lights were much clearer than I remembered. I probably had bad eye sight even as an infant.
I do know that I remember details by association. If someone asks me about something I usually remember where I was and what I was doing before I remember the answer to the question. For eg, If I'm asked "Do you remember how old Sue is?" My answers go something like... Remember when Grandma, you and I were sitting at the kitchen table after Thanksgiving dinner the year Bob got sick? We talked about how Aunt Karen had just had a baby and named her Sue. That means she is 17 years old now.

The earliest memory my son has mentioned was when he was about 2. He remembers us reading The Little Engine That Could to him with all the special voices. However, getting him to remember where he took off his shoes 5 minutes ago is a challenge.