Originally Posted by JonLaw
I'm stuck with vivid memories of me inflicting physical harm on myself.

Such as "let's climb on top of a wooden rocking chair to get that board game!" (I still have a cute little scar on my forehead to prove that one.)

And "Hey, I'm going to play with that motorcycle that my cousin just got off of and see what happens!". (I definitely recall that this was merely a severe deep second degree burn, since I did not have charred skin, although I had skin discoloration in that area for years and years. And I still cannot figure out how I managed to burn that particular part of my leg on the engine.)

A selection of my earliest memories:

"Hey, there's Lulus's crunchy dog food. She loves this stuff. She's a great dog, and she wouldn't eat anything icky, so it must be tasty. Think I'll try it. [pause] !!! This is disgusting! How can Lulu eat this stuff?"

(While seated in high chair) "I'm too close to the table. Think I'll just extend my feet and push myself backwards." This was back in the days when high chairs were tall and slender. The results were predictable.

"I love my pink overalls."

"I love spaghetti-os."