You make an excellent point! This is certainly a skewed sample. Here's a map of legislation by state.

One needs to remember that for most of the GT world "LOG" is unknown. For most of the educational world, "LOG" is unknown. This is cutting edge material. Your school is doing a wonderful job at providing groups for reading, spelling and math. Our elementary school only had reading groups, and for most of those years my son was many levels ahead of the next highest leveled kid. Did the school suggest he move to a different classroom for reading? No, they told us that they have "handfuls" of kids like him in the Middle School. Would have have been placed with those handfuls, no, they believe in heterogeneous grouping.

With all that, DS had a wonderful year in 3rd grade with no special accomidations - only that he happened to have a teacher who "got" him. Individual teacher can make all the difference. As wonderful as this teacher was, I wonder if part of the reason that things went well was that DS was recovering from his worst year of school ever. If he had started the year in as good a shape as he ended it, I'll bet he wouldn't have made much progress.

I'm so glad your school can even "see" your daughters difference. My son is reading "The Giver" at school (again) and I'm thinking that LOG is this society's "Red."
