Originally Posted by newmom21C
Originally Posted by TMJ
This is purely anecdotal, but both of my children used a baby walker

We're thinking of buying one. We're actually abroad this summer so we'll probably wait until we get back state side but by then the way she's going she'll probably be walking!

Thanks again for the help!

Just an FYI, having worked in daycare for several years, licensed daycare homes in the state of California are not allowed to have walkers on the premises. I believe the Pediatric Association also has warning about them now. They have a tendency to get kids places they aren't ready to get to and often end up going down stairs when they aren't supposed too... They cause a LOT of injuries which is why they aren't allowed in daycare homes.

I needed SOMETHING to put my guys in so that I could get a minute or two of peace so I got a bouncy seat. It's a seat in the middle of a counter type thing with toys attached. The bottom is like a saucer, but they also have legs that can be put down if you want it more stable. Both of mine loved it even after they were walking.